Myntra changes their logo

Myntra just changed their logo, and I didn’t see that coming. It’s such a minor change, that I was honestly puzzled when I couldn’t even understand what changed about the logo. I felt this was an attempt to stay updated with the latest neumorphism trend, but that really wasn’t the case. I wrote a small… Continue reading Myntra changes their logo

Notifications on Linkedin

I get so many notifications everyday on LinkedIN saying XYZ landed a new job: “Say Congrats”. I feel LinkedIN should introduce a feature to announce new projects/new client on-boarding. Entrepreneurs, freelancers & agencies work pretty hard to land new deals, which require a similar level of effort as starting a new position at a company.… Continue reading Notifications on Linkedin

How I dropped out of college & still sat for placements

This article was originally published on Facebook How I dropped out of college & still sat for placements This is for all the dreamers out there: Dreams do come true. There will be times when nothing seems to be going right. There will be times when everything you dreamed of comes crashing down. There will be… Continue reading How I dropped out of college & still sat for placements