About a year back I had the opportunity to work on the brand identity for Neocraft Digital, a full service agency in the US. Neocraft was formed with a focus on helping their clients navigate the digital world. This brand narrative is reflected in their dynamic logo that’s formed by the combination of their brand… Continue reading New Case Study: Neocraft Digital
New case studies, coming soon!
About 2 years back I started working on my second design studio Gopigraphy – Brand Design Studio , specialising in Brand Identity Design. I started this studio with a promise to deeply understand exactly what our clients needed & deliver the best quality work possible. Every single time. This did mean picking up select projects & the… Continue reading New case studies, coming soon!
6 Reasons to rebrand
Should you rebrand your business? It can be a tempting idea for a marketeer, graphic designer or consultant to push for a rebrand (I am guilty of this too 🙄 ). However, rebrands are often complicated, take time and carry the risk of diluting your brand unless undertaken with a strategic rationale. So, here are… Continue reading 6 Reasons to rebrand
Why you need a strong visual brand identity
Why do you need a strong visual brand identity for your brand?The primary reason is identification. When I talk to most small brands (and many big brands too) they think of a logo as the only piece of visual identity they need. On the contrary, when you look at big successful brands, that’s often not… Continue reading Why you need a strong visual brand identity
Newsletter Issue #4: Critique vs Criticism Promo
How do you get your team to do great work? The answer lies in how you react to the work. There are two routes most people take: Critique or Criticism. Criticism is about judgement & finding flaws: “This looks exactly like what you made last time”“You call yourself a designer? I could have done this… Continue reading Newsletter Issue #4: Critique vs Criticism Promo
Do you really need to build a brand?
Do you really need to build a brand? Whether you do it intentionally or choose not to, your customers will always have a perception of your business. In fact, everything you do, right from picking up the phone when a prospect calls you to how you resolve conflicts has an impact on your brand. A brand… Continue reading Do you really need to build a brand?
Invited to judge Polaroid 2.0 at TIS EOK
I was invited to judge the logo & graphic design events at Polaroid 2.0 – Digital Media Festival at Tagore International School, East of Kailash. While I was excited to be called on to be on the jury, I was truly surprised by the quality of work displayed by the young students who participated in… Continue reading Invited to judge Polaroid 2.0 at TIS EOK
Your actions & your life
“If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.” – T.Harv Eker This statement has been a guiding star for most of my life. As a ongoing practise, each time I feel like I’ve entered the comfort zone, I consciously try and work my way out of it. And without a… Continue reading Your actions & your life
Should your brand’s name be written in lowercase?
Should your brand’s name be written in lowercase? A while back I was presenting the visual identity for one of my clients. They loved how the typography, colors & branded assets came together to tell one cohesive story. But, they had one major objection: They didn’t like the name of the brand spelled in ALL… Continue reading Should your brand’s name be written in lowercase?
Newsletter Issue #3 Promo
“I was so busy that I couldn’t get to it.” This is something we keep telling ourselves every time we can’t find time to do things we love. Whether it’s working on personal projects, or writing something or reading that book. That excuse works: puts us off the hook. On the other hand, every time… Continue reading Newsletter Issue #3 Promo