Form & Functionality

“Design is not how it looks like, but how it works” I have heard this misquoted argument many times.Often to justify poor aesthetics. And I don’t completely agree. Here’s why: Of course, the design has to be functional.It has to serve a purpose. It has to👉 get someone to complete a task👉 or increase some… Continue reading Form & Functionality

Check these 3 boxes to build a better brand

If you are creating your brand’s identity, ensure it checks these 3 boxes: 👉  CONSISTENT: Your brand looks and feels consistent across the customer journey (awareness, consideration, action & advocacy) 👉  ADAPTABLE: Your logo, your brand elements/assets, your visual language can be adapted & resized across multiple dimensions, static & motion formats. 👉  IDENTIFIABLE: Your brand… Continue reading Check these 3 boxes to build a better brand

What is branding?

What is branding? At the core, branding is all about taking strategic steps to influence someone’s opinion about your business, service or product. Build a better brand with Gopigraphy – Global Brand Design Studio

Coming up with ideas while balancing work

How do you come up with ideas consistently while balancing work? I asked Aakansha Menon about this. She’s a Bangalore based illustrator who has been featured on prominent publications like The Hindu, The Hardcopy & Co and The Creative Gaga among many others. Watch this short clip to find out how she comes up with ideas for… Continue reading Coming up with ideas while balancing work

Cheers to a New Year

Another year has gone by, and I am happy that we’ve all braved through it. Another year of navigating through these uncertain times.Grinding it out, putting in the hours & facing challenges with hope & optimism. While the year has come to an end, there’s a lot to look forward to.If we’ve come so far,… Continue reading Cheers to a New Year

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Yulu Case Study is live (finally)!

2 years back I had the opportunity to work with the future of micro-mobility: Yulu With a focus on building a sustainable eco-friendly world, Yulu is the answer to a problem everyone cares about: traffic & pollution. We worked closely with their passionate & humble leader, Amit Gupta, to create a visual identity that captures their story… Continue reading Yulu Case Study is live (finally)!